Porcelain Doll
The main character to this story, Porcelain Doll is a girl of many things. She is fragile, broken and seen to be outcast. Inside though, she is a girl with a lost light, a good spirit, and a wounded heart. With her good heart and many talents, she tries to find the good in all and hopes that good faith in the forgotten and cruel are restored.
Miscellaneous manMysterious. Not many know of him. However, those who have seen him say he wears his heart on his sleeve. It's been broken, but he takes the strength to stitch it up and move forward. He spends his time trying to help others smile and laugh again. Bringing the light back into their hearts, their faith. He does not wish to be acknowledged for his good deeds… just the hope in his own journey to help someone see they have the light within them to carry on. He helps Porcelain Doll through that journey... And there in her heart she understands she has the power within her. She is the superhero... she is the only one that can save herself and that she does as she faces her wrongful past, and chaotic future.
The Artist
"If one is truly passionate, you sleep when you die, work ‘til you are numb, and grow by striving."
With his devotion to his work, the Artist's spirit lives within his art. His energy and passion, working night and day teaches a valuable lesson to Porcelain Doll. Through his long journey, the Artist is familiar to rejection, pain, sacrifice, and above all success. Success doesn't come easy, as he teaches her. She learns it isn't the time it takes to be someone, but it is the effort you put into yourself that makes you something. |
La Artista Muerta
"Paint with your heart, not with your mind. Paint with your spirit, not with your body. Paint what you feel, not what you know."
With a spiritual being like La Artista Muerta, you almost forget what life truly is about. You forget the lessons you learn in school, and the morals you embark with the world. With her, she teaches what peace and love truly is about. Without rules and lessons, La Artista Muerta teaches what truly is important. |
The Musician
"No matter how much my heart breaks, it still beats; therefore it continues to sing beautifully."
From what was once wounded, the Musician continues to ravish his first love, his only love. Many broken hearts, much of the pain he see's in the world, he writes about in his songs. But he never stops loving, for the love he has for one, he could have for another. Through that, Porcelain Doll learns what love is truly about. It isn't between a person and their partner, but it is of what the person desires the most in life and continues to love on. |